two men looking at each other and smiling
two men looking at each other and smiling
two men looking at each other and smiling

Gay and Bisexual Men's Health Issues

研究表明,以下是同性恋和双性恋男性面临的一些最常见的健康问题. While they may not all apply to each individual, 这是男性及其医疗保健提供者需要注意的重要问题. 

Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence 有多种形式,但包括身体或情感上的伤害,由一个重要的人-通常是一个男朋友, girlfriend, ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend or date. Typically, 亲密伴侣暴力始于言语威胁,并逐渐升级为身体虐待, 这就是为什么及早发现并尽快得到帮助很重要的原因吗. Intimate partner violence often involves manipulation and control. For men who have sex with men, 亲密伴侣暴力包括威胁要向受害者的家人“揭发”受害者, friends and co-workers.

研究表明,与男性发生性行为的男性和异性恋女性一样可能面临亲密伴侣暴力, 但是男同性恋者在寻求帮助时可能会犹豫,因为他们担心向别人透露自己的性取向会让他们处于更大的危险之中.

虽然大多数亲密伴侣暴力资源都是针对女性的, specific assistance is available for gay and bisexual men.

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Expert Answers

寻找医疗服务提供者从来都不是一件容易的事,但对于LGBTQ个人来说, the search is especially challenging. Paula M. Neira, a nurse educator, 律师兼前海军军官,解释了出柜的重要性 offers advice for finding the right doctor.

Substance Use Disorder

由于压力和歧视,同性恋和双性恋男性更有可能 use tobacco and alcohol than the general population. Among other dangerous health effects, tobacco use puts men at much higher risk for several cancers, 过量饮酒会导致永久性肝损伤和危险的性行为. 一些烟草和酒精公司在广告活动中专门针对同性恋和双性恋男性.

Among gay men, certain drugs — especially crystal meth, also known as “Tina” — have become widely used. In addition to being highly addictive, 冰毒大大增加了不安全性行为和艾滋病毒传播的风险.

Body Dysmorphia

Gay and bisexual men have higher rates of body dysmorphia and eating disorders. 许多因素影响着这些男性的流行,包括自卑、歧视、 depression and unrealistic body standards.

Group of adults sitting outside

LGBTQ Resources at Johns Hopkins Medicine

约翰霍普金斯大学医学院重视并拥抱其社区的多样性 邻居,推荐十大正规网赌平台,家属,教职员工,学生和实习生. We 都致力于确保推荐十大正规网赌平台的护理、服务的提供和 治疗环境的设计方式尊重个性 of all employees, patients and visitors.

Reproduction and Fertility

想要孩子的男同性恋和双性恋男性有几个选择, including surrogacy, where sperm is used to fertilize a donated egg, which is then carried to term by a surrogate mother.


Sexually Transmitted Infections

与男性发生性行为的男性患某些性传播感染的风险更大。. 除了禁欲,预防性传播感染的最好方法是每次性交都使用避孕套. These diseases include:


HIV is a virus that can lead to AIDS if left untreated. HIV会削弱免疫系统对抗感染和某些癌症的能力. 艾滋病毒通过直接接触含有病毒的体液传播——通常是共用针头和肛交, vaginal and (very rarely) oral sex. 了解自己的艾滋病毒状况是保护自己和他人的重要组成部分.

世界卫生组织建议所有男男性行为者考虑采取暴露前预防(PrEP)来预防艾滋病毒. PrEP是一种药物,当与持续使用避孕套结合使用时,可以最大限度地减少艾滋病毒的传播. Ask your doctor if PrEP is right for you.

HIV and AIDS Timeline

从艾滋病最严重的早期开始,约翰霍普金斯大学就一直是 leader in understanding, treating and preventing HIV and AIDS. Explore 35 多年来的进步,在这里和世界各地,包括国家的第一次 艾滋病病毒阳性对艾滋病病毒阳性的器官移植,在约翰医院进行 Hopkins Hospital in 2016.


Syphilis 如果不及时治疗,细菌感染会损害心脏和神经系统吗. Syphilis is transmitted through oral, anal and vaginal sex.


Gonorrhea 细菌感染如果不治疗会导致生育并发症吗. 淋病通过口交、肛交和阴道性交在伴侣之间传播. Rates of gonorrhea are on the rise among men who have sex with men, and new, more drug resistant strains are becoming more common. It is important to be tested to ensure adequate treatment.

Hepatitis A and B

甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎都是病毒感染,会对肝脏造成损害. Hepatitis A 主要是通过受污染的食物传播,但也可以通过肛交和口交传播. Hepatitis B is transmitted through needle sharing and anal, oral and vaginal sex. Hepatitis A infections usually clear on their own, but hepatitis B can cause permanent or chronic damage to the liver, resulting in liver cancer.

Vaccines are available to prevent both hepatitis A and B. 如果你还没有接种疫苗,或者你需要加强接种,你应该和你的医疗保健提供者讨论.


HPV 是一组能引起生殖器疣和某些癌症的病毒吗. HPV is spread through oral, anal and vaginal sex. 与男性发生性关系的男性可以接种疫苗,以保护自己免受导致生殖器疣和某些癌症的HPV感染.

Other Infections

Meningitis 是否最常通过咳嗽和打喷嚏中的细菌传播,但也可通过密切接触传染给他人. 免疫系统受损的男性——例如艾滋病毒携带者或艾滋病患者——尤其危险. 和你的卫生保健提供者谈谈,看看你是否应该接受脑膜炎免疫接种.


Oral HPV | Q&A

约翰霍普金斯大学的头颈外科医生卡罗尔·法克里回答了有关口腔HPV的问题, the HPV vaccine and recommendations for the vaccine’s use.

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